Trend Micro Q2 2015 Finding: New Threats To Internet World

As we think we have antivirus in our computer or smartphone or laptop so they are 100% safe. Don't be under that impression. No doubt that will help to privent you device from being infected to hacked. But as we know nothing is perfect, hence there is always some weakness in everything. This is what we have seen in CLOUDSEC 2015 hosted by Trend Micro with the theme of "Expect The Unexpected".

Fist Let's See What Is COUDSEC:
CLOUDSEC, the leading internet security conference in Asia Pacific and Europe, coming up with it's fifth annual edition this year with the theme “Expect the Unexpected”. This year, experts from across the globe gathered in Mumbai to address the issue of digital chaos, a future scenario that could potentially come about as a result of the high degree of interconnectedness of today’s networked world.

We have also seen different types if attacks with little modernization in traditional techniques brought by hackers to steal the data by malware and many other kind of tools. The advancement of the internet has brought about many tangible benefits for businesses and society as whole. In line with that, business models are evolving to take advantage of this new digital reality. However, there is now so much interdependence. Organizations, governments and people today are so interlinked to one another via the internet that a disruption can create a domino effect which jeopardizes the entire network.

We are glad to be a part of this CLOUDSEC 2015. We have seen the Trend Micro Q2 2015 Finding, that has shown how internet vulnerability has put on the interconnected world of internet and security aspect for data protection at stake.

Cybercriminals became more inventive in their attack methods to infiltrate and abuse existing technologies that are often overlooked. These developments are analyzed in the Trend Micro. Incorporated Q2 security roundup report. It details the evolution of tools and methods attackers use to get the greatest return on every cybercrime investment.

This are some of the statistics data that has been reviled by Trend Micro to shwo upcoming challenges in cyber-world.
  • Number of malware detections across APAC in Q2 2015: Over 118 million
  • Number of spam messages blocked across APAC: Over 396 million
  • Hits to malicious URLs from users across APAC: Over 214 million
  • Hits to malicious URLs hosted in the APAC region: Over 50 million

Hackers are taking more strategic approaches, refining their approach and targeting more selective victims to improve their infection rates. This is reflected by the exponential increase in the use of several traditional attack methods, including a 50 percent increase in the integration of the Angler exploit kit, a 67 percent growth in overall exploit kit-related threats, and CryptoWall ransomware becoming highly targeted, with 79 percent of infections occurring in the U.S.

Here are major keypoint that has been found in Tend Micro Report:

  • Hacks causing disruptions to public utilities
    Broadcast networks, airplanes, automated vehicular systems and home routers pose not only the risk of malware infections, but physical inconveniences and threats.
  • Ransomware and PoS attacks New Way of Attacks:
    FighterPoS, solo hackers “Lordfenix” and “Frapstar,” along with Hawkeye keylogger attacks, demonstrated that single individuals are capable of making a significant impact in today’s threat marketplace.
  • Government entities fight back against cybercrime
    Interpol, Europol, the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI all played a role in taking down longstanding botnet operations. Additionally, the indictment of Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht brought to light the nebulous nature and dangers of the Dark Web.
  • Public-facing websites and mobile devices were threatened in new ways
    While threats to software are always present, vulnerabilities in Web apps were proven to be just as dangerous. Attackers will leverage any vulnerability available and custom applications need custom security attention to ensure those entry points are eliminated.
So here is what we have cover in CLOUDSEC2015. Really it has been very informative session for us. If you any questions do comment blow. Thank you for reading.

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