Variables are most important part of programming. They hold the data that are needed by the user. Initializing, assigning and transferring values or data of variable. These basic things a programmer must know. They act like key in programming for generating data as output. So we are going to see some commonly used type of variables in c#.
Also Read :C# Data Type In Detail
We already know all data type have specific type and size associated with it. This will help in determining the operations and their impact on variables. Since C# is strongly type language so while transferring data from one to another be cautious about their type and size for error free execution of your program.
There are 5 different datatype that C# provides:
Integer Type: Integer type can used with short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong. It will store numeric data type without precision.
Floating Point Type: It will store numeric data with precision. There are 2 type provided for this: float and double.
Decimal Type: Store large decimal numeric data.
Boolean Type: only store true or false as value.
Nullable Type: Store Nullable data type.
Floating Point Type: It will store numeric data with precision. There are 2 type provided for this: float and double.
Decimal Type: Store large decimal numeric data.
Boolean Type: only store true or false as value.
Nullable Type: Store Nullable data type.
Before moving ahead, this question always confused beginners or students as well. The following question comes to the exam or most likely question asked in Viva of Engineering or any programming language.
What is difference between defining and initializing the variable?
Here is the brief answer:
Defining Variable:
Defining variable just declare variable but do not assign any value to it. For that you must know how to define it.
Syntax for C#:
<data type> <variable name / variable list>;
Here data type can be anything from above data type. Here are some example.
int i,j,k;
char ch,ab;
float f,sal;
double d;
This is called the defining variable. Here we have just defined variable with their type but still they do not have any value assign to them.
Initializing variable:
After defining them we can initialize the variable. Assigning the value to the variable already defined is called initializing them.
So it will be:
<Variable name>=value;
<Variable name>=value;
We can also do defining and initializing at the same step like this:
int a=10;
string name=”Dharmesh”;
float f=3.14,sal=20000;
char cha=’a’,ab=’c’;
Let’s see one full program where we first define variable then initialize them.
The output for the same is:using System;
namespace VariableDefAndInit
class varibales
static void Main(string[] args)
byte x;
int y ;
float z;
/* actual initialization */
x = 100;
y = 200;
z = x + y;
Console.WriteLine("Value of X = "+x);
Console.WriteLine("\nValue of Y = "+y);
Console.WriteLine("\nValue of Z = "+z);
Console.WriteLine("\nValue of X = {0}, Y= {1}, Z = {2}", x, y, z);
Executing the program....
Value of X = 100
Value of Y = 200
Value of Z = 300
Value of X = 100, Y= 200, Z = 300
This is program is showing hardcode values that are predefined in program. What If you want accept value from user. In real word application there is lot of user interventions. So for that here is one method that accepts data from user. It is method from Console Class and can be accessed by: Console.ReadLine();
Here is an example that accepts number from user and assigns it to variable:
using System;
namespace VariableDefAndInit
class varibales
static void Main(string[] args)
int x;
int y ;
int z;
x =Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
y =Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
z =Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Value of X = "+x);
Console.WriteLine("\nValue of Y = "+y);
Console.WriteLine("\nValue of Z = "+z);
Here we have to user Convert value specifically to int because Cosole.ReadLine() accept data in string format. Hence while assigning to variable we need to convert that into specifically data type or you will get an error.
Other types of variables are called Constant:
As the name suggest their value always remains the constant. Let’s see more about them:
Character constants:
They are also called as character literals. Character are quoted into single quote but there are some special character called escape sequence. They have special meaning assign to them. All of them start with backslash character “\ ”.
Here is some normally used character constant called Escape sequence:
They are also called as character literals. Character are quoted into single quote but there are some special character called escape sequence. They have special meaning assign to them. All of them start with backslash character “\ ”.
Here is some normally used character constant called Escape sequence:
Escape sequence
Alert or bell
Horizontal Tab
Vertical tab
Newline character
Carriage return
Print Double quotes in output
Print \ in output
Print ? in output
Print single quote in output
Here is code example for the same:
using System;Output for the same is:
namespace CharConstant
class EsacpeSquences
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("This is effect of tab\t this is carraige return \rthis is beep \a \nthis is newline character\n");
This is effect of tab this is carriage returnString Literals:
this is beep
this is newline character
String literals are same as character literals but they are in string format. They can also be used with character literals. Like we have used in above example. Here all statements like
“This is effect of tab this is carriage return this is beep this is newline character”
These are all sting literals that are separated by space. You have also seen how they are work with escape sequences.
Defining Constants:
In programming there might be situation comes when we need to make some variable contestant. That means value of that variable always remains the same. They must define an initialize at the same time.
You need to use const keyword in c# for defining any variable as constant.
const <datatype> <variable name>=value;
Got confused let’s take an example:
using System;When above code get executed following is the output:
namespace DemoConstants
class ConstProgram
static void Main(string[] args)
const double pi = 3.14; //Constant defined
double r;
Console.WriteLine("Enter Radius: ");
r = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
double areaCircle = pi * r * r;
Console.WriteLine("The area of Circle with Radius: {0} having Area: {1}", r, areaCircle);
(I am taking here radius value as 6)
Enter Radius:
Radius: 6, Area: 113.09724
SO here we have seen all type of variables in c# and how to deal with them. In next chapter we are going to see decision statement and loop various examples.